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A dad’s journey raising neurodivergent children

About Us​

Unfiltered discussions on raising neurodivergent children

Navigating the world of childhood neurodivergence is no joke. Seriously. If you’ve found your way here, you know what I mean. But it’s also a world of joy and exploration too. I’m dad to neurodivergent twin boys. I wouldn’t change a thing about them—or our lives. 

but I would—and hope to—change a lot about the world they live in. To redefine inclusivity and accessibility. To question the nature of neurotypical constructs. To ask questions. To commiserate. To feel pain. And to experience joy.

About Me​

I’m dad two neurodiverse twin boys. One is autistic. One has ADHD. Life is complex—and joyful.​

Why Dadvergence?

Because I’m a dad and I want to talk about neurodivergence in our children. But the last thing I want to be is non-inclusive. So no, it’s not just for dads. But I am a dad and I will speak to my own experiences—and experiences common to dads. Maybe it’s not the best URL, but it’s what I got.

What is neurodiversity?

This refers to someone whose brain processes information in a way that is not typical of most individuals. Through a neurodiversity lens, such conditions reflect different ways of being that are all normal human experiences..​

Who Am I?

I’m choosing to stay anonymous so I can speak more frankly. And so my children aren’t connected to this website in any way that may be damaging or challenging for them. I’m Dadvergence. That’s all.​

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A dad’s journey raising neurodivergent children